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Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2020 v20.2.0.15263 + Portable Win / Mac Web Design

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Adobe Dreamweaver CC Dreamweaver is an application software for professional web page designers because of the various capabilities and features of this powerful software. With Dreamweaver, you can easily write the code and tags you want, and the highly professional editor environment of this program makes coding easy for you by separating different codes. If you used to upload the file to view what you have created or put it on Local, now you can see the result with just one click.

In addition to supporting HTML 5 and CSS 3 tags, Adobe Dreamweaver allows you to edit and use web-based programming languages ​​such as PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, JSP, and Ùˆ, and you can use this Software to create professional websites.

Adobe Dreamweaver software capabilities

     Build, design, edit web pages

     Website design environment with three different methods

     Support for various Active Server Pages (ASP) web page formats, Java Server, PHP, XML, HTML, JSP, CSS, ASPX and many more

     A different environment from other software and very efficient and professional

     Support and design web pages based on CSS

     Use support for all tools available on web pages such as photos, animations, etc.

     Ability to communicate between written programs and popular databases

     Software intelligence in identifying written code

     Compatible with other Adobe software

     Support and development of dynamic pages with AJax power

     Full compatibility with popular Adobe Photoshop software and PSD format

     Online editing of web pages

     Ability to upload pages on hosts and servers

     Support and compatibility with the new Adobe product, Adobe Air

     New and optimized user interface for users

     Better compatibility with CSS

     Design, development and expansion of dynamic user interfaces using Spry framework for Ajax

     Increase the performance of CSS on web pages with the help of Spry widgets components

     Environment compatible with Creative Suite and other new Adobe products

      Ability to insert CSS into the project using CSS layouts

     Incorporate data into a web page using XML from an RSS feed or database

     See how to display a website designed on mobile using Adobe Device Central

     Ability to add transitions such as grow, shrink, fade, highlight & ...

     Ability to fully manage CSS

     CMS support and compatibility

     Software compatibility and intelligence and special compatibility with PHP

     Super professional features for CSS

     Compatibility and compatibility with Adobe BrowseLab

     Compatibility and intelligent coding of WordPress code

     Optimized to speed up installation and system performance

     To remove files from a compressed mode, the software Winrar  to the latest version update  , you decompress the file, otherwise it will not  be.

If you need help with this matter or any problems in the field of computers and mobile phones, call the Mobile /WhatsApp 8851237877 from all over the country by landline.

Windows version 2020

Download 64-bit version 20.2.0 with a size of 517 MB (Windows 10)

Download 64-bit version 20.2.0 with a size of 751 MB (Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7)

Windows version 2019 (can be installed on Windows 10, 8.1 and 7)

Download 32-bit version with a size of 490 MB

Download 64-bit version with a size of 576 MB

Windows 2018 version

Download 32-bit version 18.2.1 with a size of 498 MB

Download 64-bit version 18.2.1 with a size of 541 MB

Mac version

Download version 20.2.0 with a size of 852 MB

Download version 19.2.1 with a size of 774 MB

Previous versions of software

Download list of Adobe Dreamweaver CC 13.0

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 12.0 download list

Required software

CCMaker 1.3.14 software

Portable version

32-bit portable version 19.0.1

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